Yemaya Oil


Yemaya Oil (Goddess of the Sea, Mother of Earth)

SKU: Oil-Yem-all Category: Tags: ,


Tree of Life Products offers specialized oils that tap into your sensory memory through specific scents.

Our Yemaya oil was designed to represent Yemaya as a Mother Goddess. The Yemaya oil smell beautiful as they are powerful when used in devotion rituals.

About this item

Bring Yemaya to you, no matter where you are

Yemayá can provide her protection to anyone who asks for her help through prayers seeking fertility, health, love, for protection within the home and wisdom to make wise decisions.
She represents love, and she takes very good care of her children as any mother would, because she has a close bond with every person in the universe.

Know her:

Yemaya is the Goddess of the Ocean. Like water, she represents both change and constancy, bringing forth life, protecting it, and changing it. Yemaya is a mother goddess, the goddess of home, fertility, love, and family.

Working with Yemaya:

Offerings for her include molasses, coconut cakes, white flowers, and watermelon.


Yemaya is clever and brave. When she goes to war on behalf of her children, she wields a machete with expertise and no one can defeat her and her colors are blue and white.

Her number is 7:

Her eleke is made out of transparent crystal beads alternating with royal blue ones, in a pattern of seven, which is her number. Her day of the week is Saturday.

Hand crafted to take you back

IT’S ALL ABOUT Intentions, Intentions, Intentions.

Hand Made

Crafted scents to kindle your senses
Proudly made in the USA

Additional information

Weight 20 oz
Dimensions 2.25 × 8 in

15ml, 30ml


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