Hermes Candle


Hermes Candle

5 in stock

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The God Hermes rules over boundaries, transitions, and communication and is a prominent figure in Greek mythology. As the messenger of the gods, he traverses effortlessly between the realms, carrying divine messages and guiding souls on their journeys. With his iconic winged sandals, Hermes embodies the spirit of adventure and quick thinking. Hermes also serves as the patron of travellers, merchants, thieves and tricksters and is associated with animal husbandry, writing and luck.

About this item

Bring Hermes to you, no matter where you are

Hermes is a god of many attributes. His most common association is him as a trickster god, or a messenger god.


Witches often work with deities by incorporating their symbols and attributes into their rituals and spellwork. We can tap into Hermes’ energy to enhance our communication skills, foster magical connections and embrace the transformative aspects of our craft. As a messenger of the gods, Hermes is seen as a facilitator of communication between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm, making him an ideal ally if you are seeking to enhance your intuitive abilities and connect with higher forces.

We may also call upon Hermes for assistance when we need help quickly, as he is known for his swiftness. Witches can ask for Hermes’ guiding presence during spells for travel, trade, transitions, luck, writing and abundance to name just a few. He is also associated with boundaries such as crossroads in a similar way to the goddess, Hecate.


  • Offerings suitable for Hermes can vary depending on the specific intention or relationship you wish to cultivate with the god. Here are some traditional offerings associated with Hermes.

    Coins or small monetary donations

    As the god of trade and commerce, Hermes appreciates offerings related to wealth and prosperity. You may like to place coins on a shrine or make small monetary donations to charities or causes aligned with Hermes’ attributes.

    Fresh fruits

    As a god of abundance, vitality and earthly pleasure, Hermes appreciates fruits such as apples, oranges, grapes, and figs. 

    Honey and honey-based products

    Hermes is known to have a sweet tooth and honey is considered a sacred offering. You can offer pure honey or honey-based products like honey cakes or candies. If you are vegan you can substitute maple syrup, agave or sugar.


    Incenses associated with communication and travel such as frankincense, myrrh, or lavender, can be offered to invoke Hermes’ presence and enhance the connection between the mortal and divine realms.


    You may like to make an offering of wine, water, or milk as this is a common practice in honouring deities. You can pour a small portion of the chosen liquid as an offering to the God Hermes, expressing your gratitude and respect.

    Bread and baked goods

    As Hermes is also associated with bakers and craftsmen, offerings of fresh bread or baked goods may also be appreciated.


Oh I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
The Son of Zeus, the son of Mia.

I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
Escort of Persephone and father of Eleusis.

I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
Messenger, herald, emissary of the Gods.

I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
Thief, liar, and creator of lyres.

I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
Lover of gods and mortals, men and women, ruler of the rainbow.

I would sing of you, great God Hermes,
Swift-footed, never still, lover of heroes, and inventor of wonders.

I would sing of you, great god Hermes.

But how?

Oh thou God of song and tongue
God of creative genius and spoken truth.

How shall I sing of you unless you will give me the words?

How shall I sing of you unless you will give me the tune?

Come, then, Hermes. Father of Eleusis, father of Pan.
Be my father too, and teach me to sing of your glory.

Let my tongue be still until you fill it with speech.

God of:


Animal husbandry

Roads and travel









Athletic contests

Astronomy and astrology


Guide of the dead


Hand crafted to take you back

IT’S ALL ABOUT Intentions, Intentions, Intentions.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 2 × 8 in

Blue, Red


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