Gaia Candle


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Tree of Life Products offers specialized candles that tap into your sensory memory through specific scents.

Our Gaia devotional candle was designed to honor, pray to, and petition Gaia.  The Gaia candles are beautiful to display in your home as they are powerful when used in devotion rituals.

About this item

Bring Gaia to you, no matter where you are

Gaia, the Source of all life and the personification of the Earth itself. 


Gaia is life. She is all, the very soul of the earth. She is a goddess who, by all accounts, inhabits the planet, offering life and nourishment to all her children.

Gaia theory taught that a sophisticatedly aware universe is regulating these many facets to protect and preserve life on the planet, much as a mother protects her own childrenWays to Be Present With Gaia
In her infinite love, we may forget to acknowledge all the bounty she offers. 

Working with Gaia:

Light it during meditation for grounding and centeredness, or incorporate it into your spells and earth-based rituals to enhance their potency. Embrace the wisdom of the great Mother Goddess and harness her abundant energy for personal transformation, spiritual growth, and creating a harmonious home and family.


Mother Earth, I offer my gratitude for your abundance. May you nourish me, ground me, and provide me with divine inspiration as I walk through the chaos of living.


Autumn is a perfect time to give thankful offerings to Gaia, as she provided the vegetation which is harvested. Imbolc, February 1, is another significant holiday to honor her because it marks the days becoming longer and light returning after the dark winter. She should also be celebrated on Arbor Day and, of course, Earth Day!

Hand crafted to take you back

IT’S ALL ABOUT Intentions, Intentions, Intentions.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 2 × 8 in

Black, Blue, Red, White


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