Come to Me candle


Come to Me Spell Candle | Come to Me Ritual Candle | Intention Candle

5 in stock

SKU: Can-Rev-Tall-1-1 Categories: , Tag:


Tree of Life Products offers specialized candles that tap into your sensory memory through specific scents.

Come to Me Candles were created to use for ritual or whenever you need a little magic

About this item

Bring your spells with you, no matter where you are

Come to me spell candles ate made from a delicious blend of love attuned scents to draw loving, sensual energy to you.


Made with oils, herbs and spellcraft that has been used in come to me magic traditionally for generations.

Use by itself or with the come to me powder and shower gel for a full ritual!

Working with…

This is a fixed candle, meaning all ingredients have already been put in it and it has been blessed and charged and is ready for you to use. Simply add a picture of the person (with their name on the back) with a prayer to bring them into your space below the candle and light it.

This product does contain essential oils as well as herbs and fragrance. This product has already been charged and each ingredient consecrated and blessed for it’s intended use. Do not leave lit candles unattended.

Use with:

1) Place the candle in a thoughtful dedicated space that is safe to use. (Altar, bedroom, kitchen, etc…)

2) Focus on what you wish to attract. You can either visualize, speak out, or write out your intentions.

3) Use a wooden match instead of a lighter when lighting the candle for the first time as a small offering to complete the ritual.


You must do your part for best results. The energy of this ritual needs a clear path to get to you. Keep your vibrations high and your energy positive. Do not wait, worry, think or talk about the ritual or its outcome. Any of those things will cause an unintentional blockage. Trust the process and just know that it is so.

Hand crafted to take you back

IT’S ALL ABOUT Intentions, Intentions, Intentions.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 2 × 8 in

English, Español


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